Gardeners Blog by our Head Gardener

We’re a group of people who have come together to participate in the restoration of the Gardens of Gwrych Castle. There is a core of approximately 10-12 people aged between early 60’s and 80+ who volunteer two days a week. Volunteers come according to their other commitments.

March was a very busy month for us. The plants were waking up to Spring, perennials were cut back and in some instances divided. The East Lawn was mowed and the rain continued to fall day after day. Ladybirds were observed, blue tits, coal tits, sparrows, nut hatches and robins were all very busy looking for partners.

As well as the routine work involved with garden maintenance the volunteers assisted with preparations for the Easter festivities.

Five nests were constructed for the Easter Dragon Egg Hunt by the garden team from material collected from the woodland and gardens. All the nests were ready when the dragons arrived! Although dragons have not been seen, eggs have appeared. We’re assuming that the dragons are happy with the nesting sites and they will be welcome for as long as they stay.

One of the garden volunteers enjoys flower arranging and Dawn has created beautiful arrangements for the indoor public areas using flowers and plant material grown in the gardens.

Flowering this month were Euryops, Bergenia purpurea(Elephants ears), Helleborus orientalis (Hellebore), Primula vulgaris (Primrose), Galanthus (Snowdrops), Cyclamen coum, Narcissus “Thalia”, Fritillaria meleagus (Snakehead fritillary) and flowering Cherry “Kojo No Mai”.

We’re all hoping for some drier weather in April as we continue our work in the gardens.

You can find more information about volunteering and supporting us by clicking here.